And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Saturday, September 24, 2011

She was here.

I am a Christian.  I believe the bible to be the word of God and I take it literally.  Therefore, I believe that when you die you either go to heaven or hell...there is no in between waiting room, nor is your soul reincarnated.  However yesterday I could have been easily persuaded, for a brief moment, to believe otherwise.  Something very cool happened.

I homeschool my daughter. It can be a very hard job.  My mom was a great supporter of my efforts and quite proud too, I think.  She was my silent cheerleader.  The night before we started classes for the year, I was feeling very sad and down trodden.  I was really missing my mom.  I wanted to tell her that we were starting school. I wanted to tell her about the cute clothes we got at Gymboree.  I just wanted to hear her say "Have you started school yet?"

Monday morning came very quickly and the day began.  We were sitting doing our Bible lesson.  I looked out the window and there was a hummingbird hovering there, looking in at me.  She then went to the next window, looked in and then flew away.  I am not a "signs and wonders" Christian.  However, I DO believe that this was an angel from mother was with me that morning.  She is always with me in my heart.  No amount of time can change that and I will continue to honor her in my heart.

Mom was with me that day, in a very special way, cheering me on, as always.  I will never forget the feeling that overcame me as I stared back at the little bird.  Oh how I miss her....

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