And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Saturday, April 7, 2012


My mother made every holiday something special.  She especially loved Easter.  I can see us all dressed up, taking a family photo, before church on Easter Sunday.  I think it was more than just the holidays that she loved - she loved family.  My mother held us together.  We weren't the perfect family, but we had love for each other.  She made us see the importance of spending time together.  And we did.  I just wish I could have appreciated that time together more when I was younger and we were all geographically close.  It is so different now.  My Dad and brother live far away and I have a sister who really wants nothing to do with me. I am grateful for my oldest sister who, although busy with her adult children's problems, has been a good sister to me and a constant in my daughter's life.

I am especially missing my mom today.  Sometimes I hear her voice in my head, and my heart aches again.  This pain has been the worst pain I have ever felt.  In these moments of great sadness I work at turning my attention outward and upward.  Outward to those around me that I love and upward to the only One who can take away my pain.  The One whose death on a cross saved me from my sin and gave me hope.  Hope for life everlasting.  Hope that I will, one day, see my  mother again and hear her voice.  Soli deo Gloria.

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