And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Empty Feeling

There was a time, not too long ago, when I would dread doctor's appointments and those annual tests.  I always figured, based on my medical history, that I would eventually contract one of those horrible female cancers and die a long and painful death.  I would be sick to my stomach until word came that all tests were negative.

Since my mother's death and the recent "celebration" of another birthday, I have begun looking at things differently.  With the hope in my heart that I will one day see my mother again, in her glorified self, the thought of my own end of life seems sweeter and sweeter with each passing day.  No, I am not giddy over the fact of physical or emotional pain.  I am, however, giddy at the thought of eternity...on the streets of gold...with my saviour.  Where I will no longer battle sin.  Where my heart will no longer hurt over those I have lost through death or distance or change.  Where I will no longer have any physical pain, and no longer cry or have need to cry.  I grow weary with each passing day.  I try to pull myself up by my bootstraps, but fail at every turn.

I had no idea the toll that my mother's death would take on me....who could know?  Each time I pass her picture, each time I call my dad, I feel it all over again.  

My body aches from the pain of her absence....


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