And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Friday, June 3, 2011

In Memory of Mother -from the Hebrew Union Prayer Book

"I remember thee in this solemn hour, my dear mother. I remember the days when thou didst dwell on earth, and thy tender love watched over me like a guardian angel. Thou hast gone from me, but the bond which unites our souls can never be severed; thine image lives within my heart.  May the merciful Father reward thee for the faithfulness and kindness thou hast ever shown me; may he lift up the light of his countenance upon thee and grant thee eternal peace!"

I know nothing about the Hebrew Union Prayer Book, but I was drawn to these words.

I remember the days when you walked on earth...when you washed my clothes, brushed my hair,  gave me food to eat, I remember the band aids, the Popsicles during the summer and  I remember the gold Christmas bell pin you wore on your red dress. I remember the pink tip of the cigarette and the glow of the cigarette in the window where you waited for me to return home.  I remember the holidays that you made special.  I remember you...the smoky perfume smell...the scuff of your slippers.  You were my silent cheerleader and you always loved me with your whole heart.   I miss you mom.

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